Interested in living longer? Here's how

June 28, 2015

Would you like to
• live longer?
• be happier as you’re living longer?
• be more concerned about being happy than about maintaining a perfect weight or exercising all the time?
As I told you a few weeks ago, I’m reading a bunch of different books right now on brain chemistry and how our “reality” can be shifted and changed. What I love is that they’re written by scientists and doctors and their conclusions are about as metaphysical as you can get.
What scientists are proving now is that people with a positive attitude live longer.
• A study at Yale University followed 660 people for up to 23 years that were aged 50 and older. The ones who had a more positive outlook about getting older lived 7 years longer than those who had a negative outlook about it. Here’s my favorite part: the positive attitude had a greater impact than cholesterol levels, weight, smoking, blood pressure or exercise. All the things that everyone is so worried about. People need to be more worried about not being so worried.
• A Mayo Clinic study followed 800 people for more than 30 years and found that people with a positive attitude (they termed them optimists) lived longer than pessimists and in another Mayo Clinic study at about the same time (following 447 people for over 30 years), the optimists felt happier, calmer and more peaceful most of the time, experienced less pain and felt more energetic.
• A Duke University study of 866 heart patients found that the people who experienced more positive emotions lived on average 11 years longer than those who habitually experienced more negative emotions.
• A study at Johns Hopkins concluded that a positive attitude offers the best protection against heart disease, especially for people whose family history includes heart attacks or strokes. Their conclusion was that a positive attitude made a bigger difference than diet and exercise!
It’s all about your attitude. Are you generally happy or unhappy? Optimistic or pessimistic? Do you complain a lot? Do you get frustrated a lot? Do you get angry?
Or do you feel kind of ornery a lot of the time? I love that word, my mother used to use that word a lot.
Are you experiencing joy and happiness in your life? Isn’t it wild that scientists and doctors are now proving that being happy and positive has a bigger impact on living longer and living a more healthy life than diet and exercise and keeping your cholesterol down?
I’m not saying don’t be mindful about what you eat and I’m not saying don’t exercise. What I’m saying is, you’ve got to find a way to go from unhappy to happy, from pessimistic to optimistic. Your life depends on it!
So how do you go from unhappy to happy? From generally pessimistic to generally optimistic? What changed everything for me in my life was coming to Sedona for the first time. When I first came here, in January, 1999, I was in a really bad place in my life — hated my work, 40 pounds overweight, $50,000 in debt. I definitely wasn’t living my best life and my general outlook was very pessimistic. That all started to turn around after I came here for the first time and three years later I started Sedona Soul Adventures.
How will a Sedona Soul Adventures retreat turn you from unhappy to happy?
We custom design all our retreats for each individual or couple. We spend time talking to you before you come, really getting to the root causes of what’s keeping you from your joy. Your retreat will be one-on-one private sessions (not in groups) with some of the most incredible and experienced practitioners here in Sedona (we have over 40!). Your retreat will clear out the gunk and blocks that are holding you in disconnection and then we’ll bring you back into connection on all the levels — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. When you’re living your life in connection, you automatically come from a place of happiness and optimism. And as the scientists are now proving, that can lead to a longer and happier life.
Click here and one of our Angel Guides will call you. Or if you’d prefer, call us toll free at 1-877-204-3664 (US and Canada). For our friends outside the US and Canada call 01 928-204-5988 or click here and one of our Angel Guides will call you. Do it now, your life depends upon it!
Wishing you a week filled with health and happiness,

Debra Stangl / Founder

Sedona Soul Adventures – Transforming Lives One Soul At A Time
(877) 204-3664


Kelley says his Soul Adventure was beyond his wildest dreams and permanently shifted his worldview for the better!

“After meeting with my Angel Guide who designed a customized program for me, I went into my week long retreat with very high expectations – and these expectations were exceeded beyond my wildest dreams. I particularly appreciated the flow and rhythm of my individual sessions which magically built on each other throughout the week and were facilitated by some of the most gifted and skillful healers I have worked with. I highly recommend Sedona Soul Adventures for those who are looking to do an intensive spiritual dive and discovery. What I learned about myself and the world in one short week was priceless and has permanently shifted my worldview for the better! I am truly inspired to take my own work further and deeper into the world to help make it a better place at a critical point for our planet and for the evolution of mankind.  Thank you Debra and all of the team that supported, guided and facilitated healing for me.”

Kelley M., Ontario, Canada

Download a copy of Debra’s beautiful 35 page report “Mysterious Egypt” and come on our next Egypt trip, Feb 14-28, 2016

Have you dreamed of seeing the Great Pyramid? Is Egypt on your bucket list? If so, you should join us on our next incredible Return to Egypt trip. A recent study on happiness showed that taking “significant trips” added to people’s happiness. It was something that people remembered and reminisced about for years. And I will tell you this trip is transformational! Going to these amazing places, doing ceremony in the temples and tombs (including 2 hours of private time just for our group inside the Great Pyramid), traveling with other like-minded adventurers. It’s truly the trip of a lifetime. Click here for all the information. Click here to download the “Mysterious Egypt” report.

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