How Jane healed her overwhelming grief after the loss of her 21 year old son

April 5, 2024

This retreat changed my life.

"This retreat changed my life. My 21-year-old son died last year and my grief was all encompassing. I was a shell going through the motions of living. After my experience with Sedona Soul Adventures, I feel alive again. I was able to release my grief and everything that was holding me back. I feel lighter and more focused on my surroundings and the people in my life. All of my sessions were well-planned and in perfect order. I was able to experience the most out of each session and be prepared for the next one, because of this. I felt so connected and protected by my instructors with every step of my journey. I have been given tools to live the rest of my life successfully. Thank you."

Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful. Grief is one of the most difficult issues any of us can grapple with. I lost my mother who was only 51 and I was only 26. I would experience waves of grief that would just engulf me. Like Jane, "I was a shell going through the motions of living."

Look at everything that happened here with her Soul Adventure:

"I was able to release my grief and everything that was holding me back."

"I feel alive again."  

 "I feel lighter and more focused on my surroundings and the people in my life."

 "I have been given tools to live the rest of my life successfully."

It is so incredibly liberating to be able to release your grief. It can be so huge. It can seem almost impossible, but it is possible. Releasing and healing the grief (and anger and hopelessness and guilt and all those other emotions that can accompany it, what I call the "gunk") can completely transform your life, just like it did for Jane.

Is grief overwhelming you? If so, it is definitely holding you back, it's impossible to live life to the fullest when you're carrying around the weight of all those emotions.

Come to us and let us help you release all that.

Come to us and get your life back.

What if you could feel lighter and happier and really feel alive again? It's possible, it really is. It can happen for you just like it happened for Jane.

Our Retreat Intensives are private, meaning you'll be doing sessions with our Practitioners one-on-one, not in a group. That privacy and confidentiality can make such a difference when you're releasing your deepest emotions.

The other piece that's so important is that our Retreat Intensives are custom designed for each individual or couple (many times we have couples coming to us to heal their grief after the loss of a child or a parent or other loss). How your grief is affecting you is different than how it's affecting someone else (including your spouse or partner) and that's why our amazing Soul Guides connect with you deeply and custom design each retreat for exactly what you need.

As Jane said, "All of my sessions were well-planned and in perfect order. I was able to experience the most out of each session and be prepared for the next one, because of this."

Our Practitioners are so compassionate, caring and incredibly gifted, many of them have over 20 years experience of working with grief. They are Masters at finding, releasing and healing all the gunk, but even more important, bringing you back into connection on all the levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - so, just like Jane, you're feeling truly alive again.

As Jane said, "I felt so connected and protected by my instructors with every step of my journey."

You're in a safe place with us, but even more importantly, we can bring you back to life.

Call now and speak with one of our Soul Guides -- they'll connect with you on a deep level and custom design a retreat that will release all the overwhelming emotions and bring you back into feeling alive again. That's what that highest part of you wants for you. 

i want my transformation

Call us today at (928) 204-5988 or request a call and one of our Soul Guides will call you.


Did you know Sedona Soul Adventures was named “Best of Sedona”
for Retreats for 2020, 2021, 2022, & 2023,
“Best Marriage Retreats in the US” 2015-2023 and
one of the "11 Best Couples Retreats Around the World"
by Bride's Magazine in 2022? We were recently named one of Global Radiance Review's "20 Most Trustworthy Companies of 2023"

It’s because what we do gets results - call us now, let us help. As I always say, if you knew what could happen, you’d be calling right now.

What area of your life do you need help with most right now…

Your relationship?
Finding your life purpose?
Loss of a loved one?
Healing & pampering?
Or is it something else?

Because we’re here for you - and we’re even open on Sunday!

Remember, there's no cost or obligation to speak with a Soul Guide and have them custom-design the perfect retreat just for you in Sedona or At Home.

Call us at (928) 204-5988 or request a call from one of our
Soul Guides and they will call you.

Wishing you a week filled with joy and happiness and feeling really alive!

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