Sedona Soul Adventures Presents...

Reinventing Yourself for a Better Tomorrow
NEW Masterclass Series

20 Fabulous Masterclasses

Ask yourself...

How has this current situation affected you?

What do you need to become the highest version of yourself?

Given the success of our first series, Sedona Soul Adventures, awarded "Best in Sedona for 2020" for Retreats, is Bringing The Magic of Sedona to You!(™) in a brand new series of Masterclasses.

Our Master Practitioners will give you processes, information, ideas and help on letting go of the fear, uncertainty, and blocks that are holding you back, as well as guidance into becoming the highest version of yourself, moving you into the person you came to the planet to be.

In each session, we’ll do group healings as well as taking volunteers to work individually - could that be you?

Dear Debra, The moment to watch the masterclass was today, and it made me cry with joy. It is Sedona (SSA) essence captured in one hour. I cried with joy because I already have what you are sharing here. I was transformed three years ago while on a soul adventure through SSA. Today, I forwarded this video to four people wanting them to find what we have found. One of them emailed me saying, "you were so led to send this to me, I am frantically taking notes." Thank you for sharing your gifts, love, and joy. Much love to you… Diana

Join Founder Debra Stangl and a selection of
Master Practitioners from Sedona Soul Adventures

Ask yourself...

Enneagram Part I – What Is It? What Am I?

In order to reinvent yourself, you need to know what you’re starting with. This ancient personality test is a way of knowing the deepest part of yourself, what’s driving you, your strengths, your weaknesses and how you can adapt all of those to have the happiest and most productive life possible. We’ll all take the test (prior to the Masterclass) and discuss the ups and downs of navigating the personality. You’ll know more about yourself in an hour than you ever thought possible.

Enneagram Part II – The Enneagram and Relationships

Can a One live with a Nine and not drive themselves crazy? Do certain numbers make better partners, employees, bosses? Why is my Eight wife so difficult to get along with? How can we live together more harmoniously? When we can understand ourselves and other people, it moves us into more empathy, love and connection. See how you can use the Enneagram to bring harmony into all your relationships.

Your Future Life Progression Journey

Physicists believe that all time is simultaneous, and because of that, it is possible to access your own future self. This powerful technique allows you to see “what’s next" by using your subconscious to journey into your future and to shape it. Once you connect to this powerful future energy and bring it back into your present life, it creates a “memory”: the immediacy and strength of the memories can instantly improve the present and future course of your life. You will experience that future, find clarity for your purpose and plant seeds for what you want. This informed awareness of your energetic future allows you to live with more confidence, direction and happiness.

Havening – The Cutting Edge Process to Break free from Emotional Trauma, Anxiety and Stress

This simple, yet incredibly powerful, technique has been hailed as one of the most dramatic of current breakthroughs to help people lead happier, healthier lives. Developed by a medical doctor, Havening sets off an electrochemical chain reaction leading to the permanent removal (in medical terms, ‘depotentiation’ or internalization) of the receptors in the brain that hold onto trauma. It is this removal that permanently disconnects the recalled memory from its emotional content, therefore detaching you from the event, and the memory being encoded in a different, non-traumatic way. After the process, you may remember the memory or the event, however the emotional response is no longer there. We will be doing this process with as many volunteers as we can fit into our time together and you will be amazed at how quickly and completely this process works!

Introduction to the 12 Love Intelligence Codes (and how to get your needs met)

In this Masterclass, we'll be talking about Love Intelligence. Love Intelligence is being smart about love...What love is, what love isn't, how to get it, how to keep it, how not to kill it. If you're having trouble with your relationships, this can help!

Breaking Free From Your Story

If you’re doing any sort of personal development work, then you’re working with your story. And for many, the story is continuing to control who you are. In this Masterclass, we will do processes and inquiries that reveal the falsehood of your story and how it is controlling you. We'll share a powerful model that brings stark clarity to how your story was created and how you can live beyond it. You will connect directly to your true power, discovering your authentic, peaceful and powerful self.

Befriending Death and Dying

Although this sounds like it may be a downer, I assure you isn’t! One of the things these times has done is make us so much more aware of death and made many of us so much more appreciative of life. When we can connect with death and the knowing that it is another hugely important part of life, it loses its grip on us, we release our fear and embrace life in an even bigger and better way.

Using The Emotion Code to Heal Your life

The Emotion Code is a multi level healing technique developed by Dr Bradley Nelson that clears trapped emotions from the body and energy field. These stuck energies can be from unprocessed life experiences, passed down through ancestry or absorbed from loved ones. If left uncleared these energies can eventually create physical dis-ease in the body. Using the governing meridian and magnetics, the trapped emotions are cleared one at a time from the body and the bio-field.

Awakening the Power of YOU to New Worlds of Possibility

Step into the bigger picture of your life through 3-Dimensional Soul Dialogue. When we connect with the fuller, more complete story of who we are on our Earth walk, more informed decisions can be made, allowing us greater opportunity to create and embrace new experiences once thought or imagined impossible. We don't know what we don't know until we know it. How amazingly cool it is when the Power of YOU through informed choice can open doors to infinite New Worlds of Possibility!

Connecting With and Bringing in the God/Goddess Within

We all have the spark of the Divine within us. Some of us really feel it, some of us don’t, but all of us have the ability to connect with it. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you were connecting with that part of yourself all the time? What would your life look like? How would you feel? It’s not only possible, you’ll discover how to do that in this powerful session.

Tapping Your Way Through Anything

Our earlier Masterclass on Tapping was the highest attended Masterclass of Season One. In Season Two, we'll go even deeper, showing you how to use Tapping to improve every area of your life -- health, wealth, body, relationships, you name it! We'll be calling on lots of volunteers, could that be you?

Accessing Your Intuition

Our earlier Masterclass on Tapping was the highest attended Masterclass of Season One. In Season Two, we'll go even deeper, showing you how to use Tapping to improve every area of your life -- health, wealth, body, relationships, you name it! We'll be calling on lots of volunteers, could that be you?

Raising the Vibration Channeling with Quan Yin

The Channeling with Quan Yin that we did in our first Masterclass season was one of our most popular of the Masterclasses, so we are so honored to have her back for more. Laura Lee Lizak is internationally renowned channel and also one of our amazing Master Practitioners. Once again, she will channel Quan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion for you as part of our Masterclass. Laura has been channeling Quan Yin since 1992 and her sessions are so incredibly powerful. During this Masterclass, Quan Yin (through Laura) will create a magnificently powerful experience of Enlightened Support for all beings. This ignites tremendous support in the body and the experience of each and every person, and allows trauma and disease to release. We will connect to our Source energies, transform each other, and accelerate this powerful force of creation into each and every experience on this Earth. Quite simply, this work will raise the vibration of all who attend, as well as the planet. Laura is a full on body channel, meaning that she brings in Quan Yin’s full personality, voice and movement, and is often seen in Laura’s body. It will be another amazing experience you won’t want to miss.

Abundance Is Your Birthright

It's time to channel your divine purpose into a steady flow of abundance. In this Masterclass, you will learn the foundational steps needed for living in limitless abundance form a grounded place of purpose and power. Abundance is not something you need to beg for, or force into existence. Rather, Abundance is similar to the oxygen that surrounds you -- you just need to learn to take deep breaths, to receive it, to breathe it in. When you are deeply rooted in your power, ushering your purpose into the world with a sense of confidence, prowess and charisma, Abundance is willing to meet you exactly where you are at.

Healing Imagery – Working with the Brain and Body for Health and Healing

Our cellular health is greatly affected by what thoughts we have put into our bodies. Healing Imagery is an amazing process of working with the brain and body for health and healing. You will be taught this powerful method for clearing negative thoughts and emotions, bringing forth the cellular freedom and health which is your birthright. Our higher self can infuse our hurt areas easily through our intention for healing. You will actually feel yourself connecting to your body and spirit through this process.


Learn about this ancient process that has come to us through the Hawaiian spiritual masters, the Kahunas -- how and why it works and how you can use it to reduce stress, improve mental and physical health, and dramatically improve your relationships with others.

Using the Heart Coherence Technique for Reaching High Vibrations

It’s been proven that having Heart Coherence can lower stress and bring you into a sense of peace and calm. Using the power of your heart to balance thoughts and emotions, learn how you can achieve clarity, have more energy and feel better faster anywhere. Discover how easy it is to find a feeling of ease and inner harmony that’s reflected in more balanced heart rhythms, facilitating brain function and easier access to higher intelligence.

How To Bring Shamanic Healing Into Your Everyday Life

We so often believe that shamanism and other esoteric practices are so removed from our “regular lives”, but they’re not. They can be easily incorporated into our daily lives for healing and ongoing connection. Find out how.

Healing Core Wounds – The First Step

All of us have wounding from our past. We’re aware of some of what, and some of it is buried deep. Finding and releasing core wounds is the first step toward real healing.

Loving Yourself Unconditionally

We all know that loving yourself unconditionally is the key to almost everything in life. The question is, how do you do it? And keep on doing it all the time? Find out how. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the greatest (and most satisfying) love affair in your life turned out to be with yourself?

"Turning Around" Painful Relationships

There is almost nothing more emotionally painful than the breakup or breakdown of an important relationship in our lives, whether it’s a spouse, partner, lover, family member, friend, boss or any relationship. In this Masterclass you will learn how to bring yourself out of the pain of a relationship breakup or breakdown, prevent relationship breakdowns before they happen, become a more empowered partner and to be the best partner to yourself.

With the depth of work you’ll experience each Masterclass is valued at $197

However, we have a special opportunity for you to participate in this 20-session season, over the next 6 months for just one payment of $97

I was so incredibly impressed with today’s masterclass and breathing meditations/exercises, I could feel it in my spirit. I also picked up on the energy of the presenter and Debra, as well as Cindy's over the phone. And it was like Ahhhh.... Dialing down the sympathetic nervous system and allowing the parasympathetic to expand in expression! Liz

This is our way of helping you to become the best version of yourself possible!

Saturdays - Starting Saturday, September 12th, 2020
12 Noon Eastern Time
11 am Central • 10 am Mountain • 9 am Pacific

If you can’t join us live, we will send a recording

Register Below and let the transformation begin...

We’ll be helping people live and asking for volunteers – that could be you!

Dear Debra...I really appreciate these Masterclasses and I have to tell you, this one was especially delightful. Enocha’s presentation was very uplifting. Thank you so very much for all you do...all of you. Blessings, Michelle

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