**Custom Sedona Personal Retreat Intensive: Transform Your Life**
The short answer is, yes!
“Sedona Soul Adventures transformed my life!"
- Eileen Hansen
Named “Best of Sedona” for Retreats (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024)
The short answer is, yes!
“Sedona Soul Adventures transformed my life!"
- Eileen Hansen
Named “Best of Sedona” for Retreats (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024)
With our Custom Designed Personal Sedona Spiritual Retreat Intensives, our Master Practitioners utilize the transformational energies of Sedona to find, release and heal your core wounds, fears and limiting beliefs, bring you back into connection and give you the tools and ongoing support to make sure your transformations last a lifetime!
Watch this video and see how we can help you transform your life through our breakthrough approach that has been tested over two decades. What we do works!
For exactly what you need and want...
You’ll connect in deep conversation with one of our Soul Guides before you begin your Personal or Couples Retreat in Sedona (or on- line). Then we’ll custom design your retreat based on your unique needs and desires.
Your Sedona Retreat Intensive is completely private...
You won’t be in front of a group of strangers, your retreat will be in private sessions with the Master Practitioners of Sedona.
We find, release and heal the Core Wounds, traumas, patterns, blocks, fears and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from the life or relationship of your dreams
We bring you into connection on all the levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
We give you tools and on-going support to make sure your personal transformations last a lifetime
With over 20 years transforming thousands of lives through our Sedona Personal Retreat Intensives, we can say one thing with certainty - our process works! But don’t take our word for it, take a look at some of the thousands of soul transformations we have had the honor of being a part of over the years.
Your Soul Guide will Custom Design Your Personalized Sedona Spiritual Retreat Intensive with Private One-on-One (or Two-on-One for couples) Sessions with the Master Practitioners of Sedona, choosing from hundreds of transformational modalities:
Here’s What Your Sedona Retreat Intensive Will Look Like
Our Soul Guides spend time connecting with you heart-to-heart, exploring where you’re at in life and uncovering what you need to start creating the life or relationship of your dreams. They will help you decide if a Personal Soul Adventure is what you need now, and if so, they’ll design a custom retreat plan specifically for you.
Whether virtually or in-person in Sedona, we do our retreats 365 days a year / 7 days a week, and can accommodate you as soon as you’d like. You’ll be connected with Master Practitioners, hand selected, to provide you with life-changing sessions that will transform you at the deepest levels.
It is crucial to us that the transformations you make during your retreat carry over and are anchored into your everyday life, which is why we’ll provide you with the tools and ongoing support you need to integrate your Personal Retreat Intensive into your life back home.
After over 20 years of doing Retreat Intensives, we know there is something very special about Sedona. In addition to the vortexes, it’s a combination of different energies we’ve mastered working with for decades which sets the stage for the life-changing transformations and miracles we’re able to produce on a daily basis.
I hated my work, in a bad marriage, more than 40 pounds overweight and $50,000 in debt. Within two weeks of returning home from Sedona, $50,000 fell out of the sky and that was just the first of the miracles and transformations which took place for me by working one-on-one in private sessions with these Practitioners who are such masters at what they do.
I went from unhappy and depressed to happy, releasing more than 40 pounds (in 5 weeks without diet or exercise), financial abundance, finding and marrying my spiritual partner and doing the work of my dreams with Sedona Soul Adventures. I hope you'll let us show you how we can help you have those same kind of transformations in every area of your life.
Have Questions? We’re here to help
It’s a Personal Retreat Intensive which is custom designed for exactly what YOU need so that you can get exactly what you want in your life. We work only with individuals and couples, not groups, so you get the private one-on-one attention that assures you receive the best possible outcome from your Sedona Retreat Intensive (either in Sedona or At Home online). Before you begin your Sedona Retreat Intensive, you will spend time speaking with your Soul Guide, in depth, about what your specific situation is, where you’re at right now and what you are looking to achieve with your Sedona Retreat Intensive. Based on that deep conversation, your Soul Guide will custom design your Personal Sedona Retreat Intensive. During your Personal Sedona Retreat Intensive. you will meet in private one-on-one sessions with the Master Practitioners of Sedona (we have over 60!). The sessions for your Personal Sedona Retreat Intensive will be carefully selected and orchestrated by your Soul Guide, to bring you into the life of your dreams.
Because each of our Personal Sedona Retreat Intensives is a custom-designed blend of sessions (whether In Sedona or At Home Online), there is no set price and the cost is determined by the number and type of sessions included in your Personal Sedona Retreat Intensive and how deeply you want to commit. Our Personal Sedona Retreat Intensives start at around $1500 per day and go up from there, depending on the custom design of your Personal Sedona Retreat Intensive. Personal Sedona Retreat Intensives are a minimum of 3 full days (not including travel time). Other cost considerations are your lodging and transportation. We can send you an email listing special places to stay in Sedona that are conducive to your Personal Sedona Retreat experience. After you speak with your Soul Guide and they custom design your Personal Sedona Retreat Intensive, you will know the exact cost (and there is no cost or obligation for speaking with your Soul Guide). Read more about our Breakthrough Approach here.
No. Everything you do with us during your Sedona Retreat will be completely personal and private. Your own personal needs and issues simply can’t be met in a group, plus most people are hesitant to open up completely in front of a group of strangers, so your custom designed Personal Retreat will assure maximum privacy and effectiveness while we take you from where you are to where you want to be.
From our experience of over 20 years, we know the best results come from a minimum of 3 full days (not including travel time) for your Personal Sedona Retreat Intensive. Most people are here 4 or 5 days, but we can custom design your Personal Sedona Retreat Intensive for any length you desire. Of course, it's also wonderful to add in additional days for sightseeing in spectacular Sedona, Arizona.
We started doing our At Home Personal Retreat Intensives during the pandemic and were delighted to discover that they provide the same incredible transformations as doing the retreats here in Sedona. Energy is energy and our team of Practitioners are Masters at utilizing and connecting you with the transformational energies of Sedona, so it doesn't matter whether you're in their healing room or in your home anywhere in the world, our Master Practitioners still deliver the same kind of life-changing, incredible transformations for your Personal Retreat Intensive. And the best part is, you save the expense and difficulty of travel, renting a car, getting a room, etc. Many of our clients tell us they believe they enjoyed their Personal Retreat experience even more because they were able to sleep in their own bed, have their pets with them, etc.
Connecting with your Soul Guide is the first step for all of our Retreat Intensives. Our Soul Guides are experts who will connect deeply with you heart-to-heart in order to understand where you’re at in your life, where you want to go, and whether a Soul Adventure is right for you. If so, they’ll put together your custom retreat plan. These calls are free and no obligation.
Taking the first step is the hardest part, but your heart has led you here for a reason. The life you deserve is only a phone call away.