I got married yesterday!

October 8, 2017

I got married yesterday in the beautiful Red Rocks of Sedona. My whole family was there and it was so incredibly beautiful. At least, I’m assuming it was. I wrote this on Wednesday because I won’t have any time to write this once everyone starts arriving on Thursday. This photo was taken at our photo shoot on Thursday out in the beautiful Red Rocks of Sedona. (Cathedral Rock, to be precise)
But the part I can say without any question is how amazed and surprised and happy I am about everything and how incredible this whole thing has been. And I have to say it’s all because of Sedona Soul Adventures that this thing has happened at all.
After my divorce 7 years ago, I was hurting and really at a low point in my life. I was amazed that even after all the spiritual work I’ve done over the years, I was still having feelings of “not enough”. I was having thoughts of “is there something wrong with me?”, “why wasn’t I able to make the marriage work?” and all that stinkin’ thinkin’ that goes with all that. I was stunned, because I thought I had dealt with all that sort of stuff a long time ago.
But you know, these core wounds run deep. They go back to our childhoods and some threads are even deeper than that, going back to past lives and beyond. Luckily for me, I had my amazing practitioners to help me. I practice what I preach. I know from 15 years with Sedona Soul Adventures that everything can be turned around. It’s not necessary to stay stuck or to stay unhappy. So I dove in, just like I tell people who come to do a Soul Adventure to do.
I discovered I still had some deep wounds from my childhood and from my past marriage. Isn’t it so interesting how that stuff just comes out in layers? Think onions… and, at each layer one cries from the release of that stuck energy of the past. I did a number of very intense sessions with many of my practitioners, some of the deepest work I’ve ever done in my life. It was so liberating to come out of the other end of that.
But the best part was that I emerged from all that happy and whole (not perfect (we never reach that), but grounded and secure in the knowledge that I WAS enough). And I see now that’s what set everything in motion for love to come back into my life. If Richard and I had connected 7 years ago, I’m sure this wouldn’t have worked out. I just wasn’t in the space that you need to be in for a healthy relationship to come in and stay.
But when we connected, we were both in that happy and whole space. And it’s so interesting to me, that Richard and I should never have connected in the first place. We both had been on Match.com for a long time and I had made the decision over 2 years ago that if someone contacted me who was more than a two hour drive away that I wasn’t interested. I had done a long distance relationship 3 years ago and it was just too difficult. So if someone contacted me who was far away, I simply wouldn’t respond to them. At first that felt a little rude, but if I did respond to people that I wasn’t interested in a long distance relationship, that would always start this back and forth of them saying, “Oh come on”, “we can make it work”, etc. So I just didn’t respond at all, because it avoided all that.
Then last year I was sitting in the Hotel Casa Del Mar in Santa Monica with my sister watching another gorgeous Southern California sunset and drinking champagne. We were celebrating my book having reached Amazon #1 Bestseller, plus my sister loves sunsets. Suddenly I got a ping on my phone from Match. Richard had seen me on Match and he “liked” me. I saw his picture and his beautiful blue eyes and then I read his profile. I loved what I saw, especially the way he spoke about his work and when he was speaking about his spiritual life and how important that was to him, I had a real reaction. But then I saw that he was from San Jose, California and my heart sank. I showed his picture to my sister and she said, “cute!”. I thought to myself, “this one I’m not going to be rude to” and I wrote him a message that said “you look great, but you’re in San Jose”. I thought that would be the end of it.
Instead, he wrote back, “I know, I saw the potentially insurmountable distance. But I saw your picture and I see what you’re doing in the world and I just want you to know there’s someone out here who appreciates who you are”.
I showed his response to my sister and she said “Good answer!”.
We texted back and forth a little and then I told him I was visiting my family and we should talk next week. He called me the following week and that started the talking and texting and Skyping that went on for six weeks before he came to Sedona to visit me. Shortly after we were together for the first time, he wrote a poem called “735”, because it’s 735 miles between San Jose and Sedona. We read the poem at our wedding. He’s given me permission to share it with you.
Seven-hundred-thirty-five miles is a long way
They said
To travel so far to meet her
I was reminded that after hundreds of lifetimes
With and without her
With a hundred decades between our last love meeting
We have both come so far on our separate paths
Weaving, bobbing in-and-out of our crusted, heavy worlds
Falling, rising, drowning in our own lives only to surface again
To find each other
Forever, again
735 miles was nothing
I feel so blessed. I feel so happy. I’m so full of love that I want everyone to have that and share it. One of our gifts from my bridal shower was a couples massage and we did that last Tuesday. As I was leaving, one of the women there who had been helping us all evening said to me “I wish you every happiness and you give me hope that I could find a relationship again”. It’s been so amazing how many people have said that to both of us and we love that so much. We want to give people that hope. We feel blessed to be able to inspire others to reach for their heart’s desire.
Whether you’re looking for love or for happiness and wholeness, please do something to make that happen. Do what I did – come here and work with our practitioners. They are masters and they can help you.
Connect with us and speak with one of our Retreat Guides.

Or if you’d prefer, call us toll-free at 1-877-204-3664 (US and Canada). For our friends outside the US and Canada call 01 928-204-5988 or click here and one of our Guides will call you.
Would you like to speak to someone today? We’re even open on Sundays, because we’re here for you.
Wishing you a week filled with love and joy and adventure,

Debra Stangl / Founder

Sedona Soul Adventures – Transforming Lives One Soul At A Time
(877) 204-3664

Join Richard and I (and Jorge Luis Delgado) in Machu Picchu and other Sacred Sites of Peru April 14-27

One of the most fun things that’s happened in the past year is having Richard go with me to Peru on our last trip. Here we are at Machu Picchu and then here is the whole group.
What a fabulous time we had and how wonderful it is to travel to these amazing places with incredible people.
And to be in the presence of our incredible guide and shaman, Jorge Luis Delgado. He is with us the entire time, teaching us the ways of the shaman and doing ceremonies. I believe Jorge is one of the most important teachers on the planet right now. So many people tell me they feel sorry for people who go to Machu Picchu and Peru without Jorge – it’s just not the same experience.
If Machu Picchu is on your bucket list, come with us on this trip of a lifetime.
If you have any questions, please send me an email at: [email protected]


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