Machu Picchu, Transformation and come with me next year!

It’s been another amazing tour of Machu Picchu and Peru. When you read this, I will just be returning home to Sedona.
Here we are on our first day at Sacsayhuaman. What an amazing place and one of the reasons I love it so much is that it reminds me of places in Egypt like the Great Pyramid and the Osirion. See those huge stones (and those aren’t the largest ones)? Just like those places in Egypt:

  • no one can explain how they cut these stones with such laser precision
  • no one knows how they were able to fit them together in such a way that they require no mortar or cement
  • no one knows for sure what these places were used for
  • no one knows for sure who built them

And just like Egypt, there are mummies here!
I love going to these amazing places, connecting with the energies and having incredible experiences.
And I’m so happy that my fiancé, Richard, came on the trip. This is his first time in Peru and Machu Picchu has been on his bucket list for many years. It’s so wonderful to be able to share this incredible experience with someone you love. And it’s even better when that person is into all the weird, interesting, spiritual stuff that I am
What a fabulous group has been on this trip! People from the US, Canada and the Ukraine. The woman who came from Canada had friends saying to her that she couldn’t go on a trip alone. She had never met me, she had never done a Sedona Soul Adventure and they kept telling her she shouldn’t go alone. So she got this adorable llama so she could tell her worried friends “I’m going with a friend”! She named it Dahna Llama and it became our group mascot.
And as usual, our group was in love with each other within 24 hours. There were only two couples on the trip, the rest were individuals (some married, some not). It’s one of the most wonderful parts of our trips, making friends that will last a lifetime.
We did so many incredible ceremonies while we were here. Ceremonies at Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, the Sacred Valley, Aramu Muru and Sullustani. Here’s one of my favorite photos from the trip, taken at the top of Ollantaytambo.
This is such an amazing place. Many people (including some of those on this trip) feel that the energy at Ollantaytambo rivals that at Machu Picchu, it’s that strong and wonderful.
And of course we did a very special ceremony at Aramu Muru, the Doorway that was discovered by our amazing shaman, Jorge Luis Delgado. He tells the story of his quest for the Doorway in his book “Andean Awakening”. Jorge grew up on Lake Titicaca, but didn’t believe in any of the spiritual traditions that he teaches now. He became a very well known tour guide in Peru and then suddenly started having dreams about an inter dimensional doorway that was somewhere on Lake Titicaca. When he kept having the dreams, he went to the elders of his community and they told him it was his life purpose to find the Doorway. That’s what he did and he recounts the story in his book. Here is Jorge and I doing ceremony at the Doorway.
Peru is an incredible place. Not just Machu Picchu, but all the amazing places that we visit. To be able to do this with Jorge Luis, to have his teachings and to be in his presence is such a gift. To be able to do it while having fun with other like minded adventurers really makes it the trip of a lifetime.
Wishing you a week filled with fun and adventures,

Debra Stangl / Founder

Sedona Soul Adventures – Transforming Lives One Soul At A Time
(877) 204-3664


Would you like to go to Peru with us next year?

It looks like next years’ trip is going to be April 14-27, 2018. We don’t have all the information put together yet, but if you are the least bit interested in going, Click here and we’ll send you all the information as soon as its available. Remember, it’s not necessary to have done a Sedona Soul Adventures retreat first (although it certainly will make the experience go deeper!)
I invite you to join me next year on this trip of a lifetime.
Download your free copy of “Machu Picchu & Sacred Peru”
And in the meantime, if you’d like to download my free “Machu Picchu & Sacred Peru” Report, Click here. It’s filled with information about Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo and all of the incredible places we visit in Peru.
It also has beautiful pictures of these amazing places.
Click here to download the report.

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