Lately, the color orange has been coming into my conscious awareness a lot.
When things like that happen, I am always asking myself, what does that mean?
For instance, I lost my cell phone in October. When I replaced it, I was just about to get my customary black phone cover (which of course, I can’t see in my black purse or the black interior of my car), when one of my friends (whose favorite color is orange) suggested I get an orange cover, so it would be noticeable and I wouldn’t lose it. My first thought was that was a practical idea, but it would be difficult to find something orange that I liked.
Instead a few days later by what seemed like an accident, I found the most beautiful cell phone cases online (I was searching for something else). The cases are photos of the red rocks of Sedona with the sun shining on them – the rocks are the most beautiful orange color. I can’t tell you the reaction I’ve had to this cell phone cover. When I travel, people on planes see it and have an instant reaction and we have a beautiful 10 minute conversation about Sedona. If I meet someone who hasn’t been to Sedona, I show them my phone and say “it looks like this and this hasn’t been photo shopped”. They are always amazed and then I have (another) beautiful 10 minute conversation about Sedona and how incredible and beautiful it is. So this orange cell phone cover has brought me so many sweet conversations and connections that I know wouldn’t have happened otherwise. Plus, my friend was right, I always see where my phone is!
Two weeks ago, one of the speakers at Sedona World Wisdom Days wore the most beautiful orange tunic. It’s that beautiful bright orange that I was then reminded is the color that the yogis and sages in India wear. This tunic just emanated light and it was almost a spiritual experience to look at it and watch her move in it.
Last weekend, I tried on an orange top. I’ve never thought orange was my color, as I have reddish-brown hair and I’ve always thought the red and the orange clash. When I came out of the dressing room to look in the mirror, one of the other shoppers (who I didn’t know) suddenly said “oh my gosh, that color is perfect for your hair and your skin”.
Suddenly, I’m surrounded by orange. What’s up with this? As I contemplated it, the thought suddenly hit me. Orange is the color of the 2nd chakra, the creativity center and sexual center. With the Egyptian goddesses, the 2nd chakra and orange is associated with the goddess Hathor, the goddess of creativity and love and music and abundance.
I started realizing how during this past year, my creativity and abundance and my flow of love to everyone in my life and my appreciation and need for music has increased so dramatically. In the past, I would probably have been doing something like concentrating on the color orange to manifest these things. But instead, the color orange was manifesting itself for me to see, as if the Universe were saying to me, “hello, Debra, look at all these amazing things that have happened in these areas, we’ve sent them to you and let’s have a little acknowledgement!”
So not only am I acknowledging that (thank you, thank you, thank you!), but I’m inviting you to do some playing with the color orange yourself and see what happens.
Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Focus on your 2nd chakra (the area just a few inches below your navel). Visualize orange energy (like a fiery ball, or a sun, or a juicy orange, or whatever helps you see the color orange). As you see that energy, imagine what the feeling of being creative feels like. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a creative person, just feel for a moment what that might feel like.
As the 2nd chakra is the sexual center, go ahead and muster up some sexual energy. See that fiery ball as an example of sexual energy moving through you. The sexual energy is the most creative energy there is. The energy of the sexual chakra is so powerful that when a man and woman come together they can create a child, a new being. Think about that!
Now that you have the energy flowing, think about some of the things or experiences you would like to create in your life – love, peace, more satisfying work, happier (and more fulfilling) relationships, a body that you feel really good in, more harmony, more joy, more creativity. Visualize those things and experiences and then flow that fiery orange energy toward those desires.
Feeling good? Orange you glad you did that? (sorry, I couldn’t help it – it’s my 6th grade humor coming through again!).
If you’re having trouble flowing the energy or imagining what you want or even knowing what you want, you might have some kind of block that is happening in that center. If so, that means you’re blocked from the creative life force, and that makes life awfully difficult. Worse, it makes it almost impossible to manifest those wonderful things and experiences you so deeply desire.
If that’s happening, come to Sedona, connect with the beautiful, transformational, orange energy that is here and transform everything. Because that’s what happens when people come here and do a Soul Adventure. The blocks are removed and suddenly their lives completely open up.
Call and speak with one of our Angel Guides – they’ll connect with you (or both of you, if it’s a couple) and then they’ll design the retreat that is perfect for you. Your retreat will be one on one sessions with Sedona’s best and most experienced practitioners (we have over 40!). The combination of our customized retreats, our amazing practitioners and the incredible, transformational (orange) energy of Sedona will transform your life or your relationship. It’s almost unbelievable to me what happens.
Call us toll free at 1-877-204-3664 (US and Canada) or click here to request a complimentary Angel Guide Session. For our friends outside the US and Canada call 01 928-204-5988 or click here and we’ll call you.
Wishing you a week filled with lots of creativity and love and music and abundance and orange!
Many Blessings,
Debra Stangl, Founder
Keely says her Sedona Soul Adventure was by far one of the most important experiences of her life.
“On a scale of 1-10, I would rate my Sedona Soul Adventure a 10+++! I am growing, I am finding me, NOW, so much I cannot express. This is by far one of the most important experiences to date in my life’s journey.”
Keely S., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Come to Peru and Machu Picchu Jorge and I – June 17 – 30, 2015 – we’ll be at Machu Picchu for the Solstice!
Have you always dreamed of going to Machu Picchu? If so, give yourself the gift of this amazing journey. We’ll travel in Peru for two weeks (including 3 full days at Machu Picchu), spending each day with our amazing shaman and teacher, Jorge Luis Delgado. Can you imagine doing ceremony at Machu Picchu on the Solstice? Join us.
For all the information on our amazing Day to Day Itinerary – Click here
For all the information on Pricing – Click here
Wishing you a week filled with lots of creativity and love and music and abundance and orange!
Many Blessings,
Debra Stangl, Founder
“On a scale of 1 to 10, everything about the Peru trip was a 10! Everything was even more than I expected! It is the trip of a lifetime…..for many reasons. Jorge Luis Delgado is exceptional, a kind, caring, wonderful teacher. My life feels richer, my thoughts feel wiser and my intentions are more clear to me. What a pure gift you and Jorge have given through this Peru trip!”
Debra Hicks