Did you know you have a built in GPS system that can tell you in every moment whether or not you’re on the right path?
It’s your emotions. And the best part is that you have access to this information and feedback all the time.
Your emotions are like a natural navigation system. Your spirit will continue to find ways to speak to you until you take notice and listen.
As I write in my upcoming book, The Journey to Happy (available soon!),
“In every moment, our emotions are telling us how we’re feeling, how we’re flowing energy, and how we’re vibrating.
Although these ideas may seem complicated, they’re really very simple. We are either feeling good, or we are feeling bad. It’s pretty much as simple as that. We have all of these names for emotions. We have ones that have been labeled “good” – happiness, joy, bliss, contentment, or peace – and we have ones that have been labeled “bad” – anger, depression, frustration, rage, worry, anxiety, ennui, or despondency.
In every moment, we have the ability to move toward good feelings or bad feelings. Good feelings move us into energetic vibrations that bring us the things we want – happiness, contentment, peace, and joy. Negative feelings take us in the opposite direction.”
We all know when something feels good. Yet, we second-guess ourselves when it comes to getting signals about what is not working.
So many of us continue to deny that we know what is best for us when it comes to our health, our relationships, our finances and our career path.
Don’t discount your emotions — they are the easiest way to take stock of what is working and what is not working in your life.
Feelings of disconnection, discord and discontent are sure signs that your awareness is shifting and your soul is undergoing an awakening. You can either do something about it now, or wait until things get worse (because they always get worse).
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Are you in a dead-end relationship, but too afraid to end it for fear of being alone?
Do you hate your job but stay in it because you don’t know exactly what you should be doing?
Is your money situation driving you crazy? Are you doing anything to change it?
Just as a GPS tells you when you are off course (“at the next intersection, make a legal U turn”), you can trust your emotions to do the same.
At Sedona Soul Adventures, we believe that everything hidden, sooner or later, comes into awareness for healing and release.
Major, permanent shifts can occur quickly and with relative ease. We have seen it happen for thousands of Soul Adventurers, and we would love to see it happen for you.
Is it time to make a U turn? Real and lasting change actually is possible, but you have to take the first step. Contact us and speak to an Angel Guide. They’ll connect with you (or both of you if it’s a couple) in deep conversation to determine exactly where you are and where you want to be; then they’ll custom design the perfect retreat that will bring you the life or the relationship you’re craving.
Click here and one of our Angel Guides will call you. Or if you’d prefer, call us toll free at 1-877-204-3664 (US and Canada). For our friends outside the US and Canada call 01 928-204-5988 or click here and one of our Angel Guides will call you.
Wishing you a week filled with lots of emotions,
Debra Stangl / Founder
Sedona Soul Adventures – Transforming Lives One Soul At A Time
(877) 204-3664
Debbie says her “life changing” Soul Adventure brought her a “newfound happiness and contentment”
“My Sedona Soul Adventure was awesome, majestic and wonderful. It really brought me to a newfound happiness and contentment inside – something I haven’t had for quite awhile. Prior to my trip I really could not say “I deserve to be happy and I love myself”. Now I do not have a problem with that – thanks to all that led me on my journey. This is an experience that should not be passed up on – it can change your life.”
Debbie R., Bartlett, Illinois
Download your free copy of our “Sedona Guide to Spiritual Retreats” or “Sedona Guide to Couples Retreats”
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