A New Addition in Egypt and Why You Should Come Next Year

February 28, 2020

Egypt group 2020.2Our Return to Egypt trip is coming to a close and it’s been another amazing journey. This has actually been one of the most amazing trips ever. The group was fabulous, the weather was wonderful, the energy has been amazing – I feel so incredibly blessed and so happy to have brought another group of people who have been flabbergasted and amazed by this trip.

And even though this was my 20th trip to Egypt (!) there were so many new additions that were so wonderful.

valley of kings egypt 2020.1The first one is that we are able to take photos almost everywhere we go. This is such an about face from what has happened in years past. It used to be that you absolutely could not take photos inside so many of  the tombs – especially in the Valley of the Kings and Queens where the colors and the images are just so absolutely spectacular. valley of kings egypt 2020.2They used to be so strict about it that back in 1983, when I was here for the first time, the friend I was with in the tomb of Ramses VI thought we were all alone, took a photo and almost lost his camera. The flash went off and the guards up top came rushing down and were about to take our camera. After lots of apologizing and paying some bakshish (tip money), they took the film and gave us back the camera. tomb of nefertari 2020.1Here’s some of the photos from the Valley of the Kings.

Last year they started to allow us to take photos in many of the places, but this season we were even able to take photos inside the Tomb of Queen Nefertari, which is widely considered to be the most beautiful tomb in all of Egypt. tomb of nefertari 2020.2

Look at these spectacular colors. This one of Nefertari as Maat is a scene that I have on papyrus in my home. So incredibly beautiful.

Nefertari was the favorite Queen of Ramses II, the most powerful Pharaoh that ever ruled. temple of nefertari 2020His reign spanned over 60 years and there are temples all over Egypt built by him. In addition to her fabulous tomb, he also built a fantastic temple to her next to his spectacular temple at Abu Simbel. I love this temple so much, doesn’t it look as if the gods are just walking out of the mountain?

One of my favorite carvings in the temple is this one that shows what looks like a modern day flip hairdo – isn’t that great?flip egypt 2020

seti 1 egypt 2020.1New this year: Also new this year, they have re-opened the tomb of Seti I, after many years of it being closed to the public. I had never seen this tomb before and it is absolutely spectacular. He was the father of Ramses II, so it’s obvious that no expense was spared for his final resting place.

seti i - debra stangl - richard - egypt 2020The other thing that is so interesting when you see the huge and amazing tombs of these powerful Pharaohs is to think about what must have been inside them originally. King Tut’s tomb was very small (as he was a very insignificant king), but it was filled with the most amazing things, so much gold and incredible jewelry. So if Tut’s tomb had this much treasure in it, can you imagine what was in the tombs of someone like Seti I or Ramses II? It’s absolutely mind blowing to even contemplate.seti 1 egypt 2020.2

King Tut MaskNew next year, the new Cairo Museum: And I’m so excited that the new Cairo museum will be open for our next trip! The building is absolutely staggering, it’s just huge. It will hold the treasures of King Tut and for the first time, ALL the treasures will be on display. Plus, so many of the artifacts that have never been displayed just because there wasn’t enough room (the old Museum was built in 1905) will finally be seen in all their glory. I literally can’t wait!

This next trip is going to be even more spectacular with the new Museum opening. I urge you to get on the Wait List for our next trip, which is February 15-28, 2021. This year’s trip sold out in roughly two weeks, so I can’t imagine how fast this one will sell out. As soon as we have all the details, we’ll send you the information and then you can send in your deposit. Click here.

By the time you read this on Sunday, we’ll be winging our way back home and we will have completed our two hours of private time inside the Great Pyramid, doing ceremony and meditation. It’s always so powerful and I know it will be this year too.

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