How To Get Everything You Want In 3 Simple Steps!

We all try to make it so complicated — how to be happy, how to find peace, how to get what we want. The real answer is that it’s simple — it’s not easy, but it is very simple.
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Today I’m going to tell you how to get everything you want! Wow! Can you believe it?
I’m sure you’re thinking, Debra, why haven’t you told us this sooner?
Well the truth is, I have, but today I’m just saying it flat out.
The way to get everything you want is to:

  1. Get happy
  2. Stay happy

And in order to get happy and stay happy…

  1. Don’t think about what you don’t want and don’t talk about what you don’t want

Ok that’s it. You’re welcome. Class over.
No, I’m kidding, but it really is that simple and I’m going to give you proof of that in just a second.
In 2016 I wrote a book that became an International #1 Best Seller, called The Journey To Happy. I’m going to be talking to you in a number of videos about the ideas and processes that I talk about in my book.
So let’s back up. I’ve told you that the way to get everything you want is to:  

  1. Get happy
  2. Stay happy

And in order to get happy and stay happy…

  1. Don’t think about what you don’t want and don’t talk about what you don’t want

Now let me talk about what I’m basing this on. One of the truths that Einstein discovered (and that Quantum Physics continues to prove) is that everything is energy. Even my desk, which feels so stable and strong, is – at its core – just a bunch of particles racing around.
If everything is energy, (and now we know it is) that means that everything is much more elastic, much more malleable, and much more possible to change than we think it is.
Through the years, quantum physics has proven, that we are energy, and they’ve proven that putting our attention on something in any way changes it.
So, if everything is energy and if putting our attention on something in any way changes it, that means we are all creating our reality in every moment.
What we focus on expands.
We get more of whatever it is that we think about and talk about.
That is great news! If you are creating your reality, that means that you can change the parts that you don’t like – the parts that aren’t making you happy.
If you are willing to take responsibility for creating your reality, then you can take responsibility for creating it the way you want it.
The final piece has to do with energy and vibration. Think of it this way. The things that you want – happiness, peace, joy, great relationships – all reside in the higher vibrational energies. Joy, peace and happiness are all much higher vibrations than depression, fear and blame. When you are a vibrational match to what you want, it comes to you. That’s what many people refer to as the Law of Attraction.
So the way to get everything you want, is to get in the higher vibrations and stay there, and allow it all to come to you. In other words:

  1. Get happy
  2. Stay happy

And in order to get happy and stay happy…

  1. Don’t think about what you don’t want and don’t talk about what you don’t want

The fastest way to get happy and stay happy is to stop focusing on what you don’t want and start focusing on what you do want. Remember, what we focus on expands. This is simple, but it’s not easy. Stop talking about things you don’t like. As they say, change your story, change your life. Stay focused on what you want and let the magic happen, because when it starts happening it feels like magic.
When I came to Sedona for the first time in 1999, my life was not the way I wanted it to be; every part was messed up. I hated my work as a divorce attorney, I was in an unhappy marriage, I was 40 pounds overweight, and I was $50,000 in debt.
All I could think about was the mess I was in. I kept thinking about it obsessively all the time and it just kept getting worse and worse, and I kept getting more and more unhappy. I came to Sedona for what I thought was going to be 3 days of just being quiet, but instead, I did one session with a practitioner here, Ranjita, who is still one of our most wonderful practitioners.
In that session, my high self appeared to me and told me I had to leave my law practice or I was going to die. I got the message and went home, and after 2 weeks of trying to figure out how I was possibly going to leave my law practice when I was $50,000 in debt, there was a day where I just gave up. I was meditating and praying, and I just felt all the worry and concern just lift off me. I remember saying, “ok God, I’m going to do this. I don’t know how I’m going to do this, but I’m going to do it, and I need some help.”
Within about 8 hours, a former client called asking me some questions and at the end of the call told me he had just bought a new business refinancing mortgages. I asked him if he thought he could get my mortgage payment reduced. He took my address and called me back in 10 minutes and said “I can get your mortgage payment cut in half and I can get you $50,000 in cash.” Now, I had never told him I was $50,000 in debt. He certainly didn’t know about my going into that high vibrational state where I just released the worry and concern. But suddenly, within a few hours, the worry and concern that had haunted me for 5 years was gone.
The trick is getting there and staying there. And over the course of these videos, I’ll be talking about lots of different ways to do that, but the key is all in these three simple steps:

  1. Get happy
  2. Stay happy

And in order to get happy and stay happy…

  1. Don’t think about what you don’t want and don’t talk about what you don’t want

We see this all the time with our retreats here in Sedona. Just a few months ago we had someone come to us who was just very dissatisfied with her life. She had a pretty good job, but there were things she didn’t like about it, there were things she didn’t like about her husband, her kids were grown and gone, and she just felt all this dissatisfaction.
We uncovered that from her childhood, she had some worthiness issues, meaning she felt like she wasn’t worthy to be happy. We cleared out those blocks and once those were cleared, the most amazing thing happened. When she did her Breath journey session, she got it that she was focusing on the negative and not at all on the positive. With her practitioner guiding her, she did a complete turn around.
She went home and started focusing on what she liked about her life, her job, her husband, her kids, and everything else in her life, and she discovered how truly blessed she was. She stopped talking about what she didn’t like and just kept talking about the things she liked, and it changed everything around. She wrote me a few weeks ago and said, “It’s the most incredible thing. Nothing on the outside has changed, but suddenly I love my life, every single part of it.”
That’s what can happen when you make the decision to get happy and stay happy.
I hope this helped, and if you got value from this video, please like, share the video and subscribe to our channel.
If you need help with getting happy and staying happy then go to and get your complimentary copy of The Sedona Guide to Spiritual Retreats.
If you’d like to talk to someone about doing a retreat that’s custom designed for you call us at 928/204-5988.
You can have the life or relationship you want. I know it.

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