Last Call for Machu Picchu-Female Roommate and Males needed-April 13-24

March 4, 2018

It’s the last call for our Macchu Pichu and Peru trip April 13-24, and we need a woman because we need a female roommate, and we need some more men because my husband Richard wants some more dudes to hang out with on the trip. Not that he doesn’t enjoy hanging out with us females, he certainly does. But you know how it is, guys want some guy time, just like we women want some girl time.
We’ve just returned from Egypt, and it was so fantastic to be with such an incredible group in such an amazing place, so I’m so doubly excited about the Peru trip this year. Everyone on the Egypt trip really “got it” that over the years I’ve perfected that trip, and it’s the same thing with the Peru trip – after all these years of doing it and re-working it and tweaking it, it’s perfect. Here’s why:

•You get to really EXPERIENCE Peru and Machu Picchu. We visit all these incredible places in Peru:

  • Machu Picchu
  • The Sacred Valley
  • Lake Titicaca
  • Cusco, which is considered to be the center of Universe
  • Temple of the Wind at Ollantaytambo
  • Sacsayuaman (home of the giant structures that are reminiscent of the building structures at the Great Pyramid)
  • Sillustani (where mummies have been discovered, just like in Egypt!)
  • Amaru Muru (the doorway to other dimensions discovered by our shaman and guide, Jorge Luis Delgado)
  • The island of Amantani (in the middle of Lake Titicaca, where we do ceremony and stay with a local couple)

And many more, too numerous to mention. But not only do we see these places, we truly experience them. We connect with the energy, we learn about their mysterious past and their connection to the cosmic realms. We do ceremonies and experience them on all the levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
We spend three days at Machu Picchu, something you won’t find on many other tours. Going to this place, experiencing it on all the levels, is a bucket list item for many people. Are you one of them?

•You get to experience the wisdom and teachings of Jorge Luis Delgado.
I believe that Jorge is one of the most important teachers on the planet right now. He has been featured in the “Ancient Aliens” show on the History Channel and he is truly a master. Being in his presence during this entire two weeks is life changing. Every day he is connecting with us in ways designed to provide a transformation in your life.

•You get to do special ceremonies in these amazing places. Throughout our two weeks, we are doing incredible ceremonies at these amazing places. In the past, some of these ceremonies have been absolutely life changing for me and for others who have been on the trip.

•You get to have an opportunity to transform your life. There is something very special about how everything comes together here — being in this special energy, doing ceremonies in these amazing places, receiving the teachings and wisdom of Jorge Luis — that all combine to make true transformation in your life. People report to me about going home and feeling happier, more connected to their true self, more connected to God and the Universe, more connected to the people in their lives, more connected to their life purpose. These kind of transformations can happen for you in this magical place.

•You get to connect with other spiritual adventurers. Everybody commented on it on the Egypt trip – how we were all in love with each other within 48 hours. It’s such a special thing to connect with other like-minded people and experience these places in that energy. Many people make friendships on this trip that last a lifetime.

•You get to be on a trip where absolutely everything is taken care of for you. Right now Richard and I are planning a trip to Iceland in June and I can’t tell you how much time we’re spending just on figuring out where we want to go, where we’re going to stay, how we’re going to get around and where we’re going to eat. Again, everyone on the Egypt trip was remarking about how wonderful it was to simply have everything taken care of, with nothing to think about other than the transformations that were happening. This is our 13th trip to Peru! I’ve been re-working it and tweaking it over all these years and it’s perfect. Each year it comes off without a hitch. You can simply relax into the deliciousness of the energy and the knowing that things are unfolding for you in a wonderful and magical way.

Join me for this trip of a lifetime. If Peru is calling you, it’s time to heed the call! But you must act fast. We’re purchasing plane tickets for our in-Peru flights right now and releasing our unused rooms next Tuesday. If you want to come, let me know right away. If you would like a roommate (females only, please), we can set you up. If you would like your own room, that’s fine too. If you are a couple, that’s fantastic, we can accommodate you.

The cost of the trip is $5,695 per person (double occupancy) and includes 3 flights within Peru, all hotel accommodations (13 nights), Breakfast and Dinner each day, all transportation within Peru, Shaman Jorge Luis Delgado, all entrance fees, and travel insurance. It does not include air fare to Lima or lunch each day or drinks. If you want the Single Supplement (your own private room), that is $950 for the two weeks.

You can get all the rest of the information on our amazing Itinerary, etc. if you click below.

If you already know you want to go, Click here to make your deposit.
If you have questions, please send me an email at:
Debra@Sedona Soul
Or even better, call me on my cell phone – 928/301-2896
Are you ready to gift yourself the journey of a lifetime?

Barb says she is “at peace” after her
“awe and joy inspiring pilgrimage” to Peru

“I have just returned from the Enchanted Peru trip and my feet have not touched the ground yet! I knew the trip would exceed my expectations as my Sedona Soul Adventure 8 years ago did as well. But what I could not imagine, in my most optimistic anticipation or wildest imagination, were all the intricacies that Debra would weave together to create such an awe and joy inspiring pilgrimage. The physical aspects of the trip were miraculously orchestrated by Debra. Every want was provided for, every need was answered without so much as a request! This was no small feat considering our group of travelers were ushered in worldly comfort from site to site, city to city, employing every mode of modern transportation available. Yes we traveled by bus, train, plane and watercraft to destinations that are often not available on other tours. Tickets were simply handed to us for EVERYTHING. All we needed to provide was the willingness to embrace the experience that Peru had to offer, and good hiking shoes! Thank you Debra for a truly life changing experience. I am filled with so much gratitude for all of your efforts.

But the experience did not stop here. Oh NO! After all, it was a spiritual adventure. Our group was blessed with the presence of Jorge Luis Delgado, a Peruvian Shaman who spent every waking minute with us. Jorge guided us through daily ceremonies at sacred sites too numerous to mention. We basked in the powerful Peruvian energy. We vibrated in Jorge’s energy field! With Jorge’s guidance, encouragement and mystical tools we were brought into an overwhelming space of love and appreciation for the spirit, the country, the people, each other, and ourselves. I could never have imagined the quick and intense bonding that occurred between each one of us. Every day our hearts opened wider! We laughed together, we cried together, we grew and expanded! And I sobbed when the time came to go our separate ways. To find yourself in the presence of so many like minded people is a positively jolting experience. Many are now friends that I will cherish for the rest of my life on the planet and beyond. This experience is one I will never forget. I know that the effects of this trip are now flowing constantly into my daily life. Negative responses to life’s challenges are very hard to muster. I have a permanent smile on my face. I am at peace.

If you are considering a trip with Sedona Soul Adventures I can only say one thing. GO FOR IT! These trips are undersold and over delivered!”

Barb Nadeau


Download our free report “Machu Picchu & Sacred Peru”

This beautiful report gives you all kinds of basic information about Peru and the amazing places we will be going to on our journey – Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo, Aramu Muru and more. Download it now.

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