“We came back from the brink of divorce. You saved our marriage! Before I was indifferent towards him and now I feel the love I had in the beginning.”

December 6, 2024
"We came back from the brink of divorce. You saved our marriage! Before I was indifferent towards him and now I feel the love I had in the beginning.”

Those of you who have been getting our newsletter for a long time know that I was a divorce attorney for over 20 years in Omaha, Nebraska. Can you imagine what it’s like for me to get a review like this from two of our clients? I mean, look at what they said!

“We were on the brink of divorce."
Oh man, that’s when you need to call in the fire brigade!

“We’ve been married 25 years and we wanted to save our marriage and it did!”
How sad would it have been to have lost that beautiful 25 year marriage? The impact on the children, the grandchildren, friends, and relatives is just devastating. Not to mention the financial lives of all concerned, the emotional lives of all concerned, the list of devastation goes on and on.

“Before I was indifferent to him.”
Oh my gosh, that is the whole thing – when you start feeling indifferent, that’s just the worst, that’s the beginning of the end. Indifference is so much worse than hate or anger, because it means the love is just draining away.

“We learned our Core Wounds and they were healed.”
That’s so huge and that’s exactly what we do here. We find, release, and heal the Core Wounds, fears, and patterns (“the gunk”) that’s causing all the problems. That’s what this is all about. Because it’s really YOUR OWN WOUNDING that’s creating the problems in your relationship. Very few people understand that. This is the secret of why our retreats work!

“We learned our triggers and got the tools for how to deal with them.”
We all get triggered. Can you imagine how much more wonderful your life will be when you have the tools to deal with those triggers? Can you see how that will change every aspect of your life? Not only your relationship with your partner, but your relationship with everyone else, your work, your body, it affects everything. And the biggest problem is, most people don’t understand what’s causing their triggers in the first place (hint: it’s your Gunk!), so they’re never able to stop that vicious cycle of getting triggered, getting into a fight, mistreating each other, making up, and then starting the cycle all over again when the next trigger happens.

That’s the key – to get to the root of the triggers that each of you have.

“It was intense and exactly what we needed.”
Yes, it’s intense, but it works! And yes, we’re able to give you exactly what you need because we spend so much time connecting with you before you even start your retreat. We understand what you need and we custom design each and every retreat so that you’re getting this kind of incredible transformation.

“We have everyday tools to move forward together.”
This is so incredibly important. The retreat experience is a pattern interrupt to make the transformations happen. But in addition to the retreat, we also give you the tools and ongoing support to make sure your transformations last a lifetime.

“We absolutely appreciated the 1:1 & 2:2 session, and not being in a group setting.”
Everyone’s gunk is different. In a relationship, one person’s gunk (and their causes) are different than the other persons. And unless and until you find, release, and heal the gunk of each person, the triggers, miscommunications, and hurts just keep happening over and over again, because they’re coming up for healing. You simply cannot do that in a group setting, it’s impossible. Can you imagine that kind of custom care when you’re crammed into a cold hotel ballroom with 1,000 people? It doesn’t work.

That’s why our Couples Retreats include not only sessions with the two of you together, but one-on-one sessions where we’re finding, releasing, and healing the gunk of each person.

Plus the privacy is so key. Many people don’t feel comfortable opening up about their most intimate issues (especially around sex or infidelity) in front of a group of strangers. Doing the sessions in private with our incredible skilled and compassionate Practitioners allows for incredible breakthroughs to happen in a very short period of time (as little as 4 days!).

"We came back from the brink of divorce. You saved our marriage! Before I was indifferent towards him and now I feel the love I had in the beginning.”

“I can honestly say I am happy! We are happy!”
Isn’t this the whole thing? The most important thing? They are happy!

“Now I feel the love I had in the beginning.”
Oh my gosh, that just makes me want to cry. Can you imagine going from indifference to feeling the love you had for each other in the beginning in less than a week? Can you imagine having that kind of happy, juicy love in your life? It’s just the best. It makes everything better – your relationships with other people, your work, your body. It’s one of the most amazing things in the world.

The famous Grant Study, which was done over a period of more than 80 years, followed hundreds of people and their findings were staggering: the single most important thing that determines whether or not you will have a happy, satisfying life is your relationship. It’s not what most people think – being rich, being famous, having status, or good health. It’s your relationships. It affects everything in a positive way.

How about you? What’s the state of your relationship? Not only with your partner but with everyone in your life?

If your relationship is not where you want it to be, the issues are probably not what you’re thinking. The couple above really “got it.” We helped them understand that it’s the Core Wounds (the “gunk”) that’s causing the triggers and causing the problems in the relationship. Once you find, release, and heal that, you can come into the love you had in the first place. What a wonderful, delicious place to be.

Give us a call right now and let’s talk – (928) 204-5988. We’re even open on Sunday because we’re here for you.

Speak with one of our Soul Guides. They’ll connect on a deep level with you, this call is amazing. We’ll start the process of finding and releasing the gunk. The change in your life and your relationship will be almost unbelievable.

Call us at (928) 204-5988 or request a call and we’ll call you.

Wouldn’t it be fabulous to start the New Year with a New You and a New Relationship?

We can’t wait to connect with you.

i want my transformation

Did you know Sedona Soul Adventures was named
“Best of Sedona” for Retreats for 2020-2024,
“Best Marriage Retreats in the US” 2015-2024 and one of the
"11 Best Couples Retreats Around the World" by Bride's Magazine in 2022?

Plus we were named one of Global Radiance Review's
"20 Most Trustworthy Companies of 2023."

It’s because what we do gets results - call us now, let us help. As I always say, if you knew what could happen, you’d be calling right now.

What area of your life do you need help with most right now…

Your relationship?
Finding your life purpose?
Loss of a loved one?
Healing & pampering?
Or is it something else?

Because we’re here for you - and we’re even open on Sunday!

Remember, there's no cost or obligation to speak with a Soul Guide and have them custom-design the perfect retreat just for you in Sedona or At Home.

Call us at (928) 204-5988 or request a call from one of our Soul Guides and they will call you.

Wishing you a week filled with the love you deserve!

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