Have you noticed what we’re doing with our Masterclasses? Almost each week we’re giving you a different type of healing modality, because we know that one of them, or a combination of some of them, will probably really be able to help you in a big way.
Have you noticed how a situation in the present can so easily trigger pain and wounds from the past? With everything that is going on right now, I know that is certainly the case. But isn’t it wonderful when you learn about a practice that really helps?
That is certainly the case for next Saturday’s Masterclass. Challenging situations—such as the current uncertainty brought about by COVID-19—can trigger unresolved emotional issues stored in the subconscious mind.
Current stressors plus emotional issues from the past can be overwhelming.
Fortunately, there is a gift in this!
Deep hurts come to the surface to be healed!
When you face and release these old blocks and emotional patterns, you can deal with what’s in front of you in a more empowered and resourceful way.
Healing past wounds helps us let go of fear, confusion, and powerlessness, and connect back to our innate love, peace, trust, and confidence.
Sometimes we can’t change what is happening externally, but we can always empower our emotional state and mindset.
In this Masterclass, we will explore “The Journey,” which is a powerful, cutting-edge healing and transformational process pioneered by Brandon Bays, with Karoline Stevens, another of our amazing Practitioners who is a certified Practitioner in The Journey.
Karoline will invite you to experience a gentle, healing journey. You will learn how to:
- Release physical and emotional stress and connect deeper to your wholeness and wellbeing
- Experience the connection between physical symptoms and emotions
- Gain valuable insights into a current issue and a deeper understanding of how to deal with it
She will also be calling on volunteers – that could be you!
Reinventing Yourself in This New Age – SSA Live Masterclass Series
Saturday, June 27
9am Pacific
(Noon Eastern, 11am Central, 10am Mountain)
If you haven’t already registered for the Series,
Register here and let the transformation begin…
This is our way of helping you become the best version of yourself possible.
And don’t worry if you can’t be on with us live – we’ll record all the classes and send you the recording.
Again, Click here to register (if you haven’t already).
Don’t miss my interview with Darryl Anka who channels Bashar. Join me each week for Meeting the Masters and watch the compilation video.
If you haven’t already signed up for the Meeting the Masters Series, Click below. When you sign up, you’ll get access to powerful new interviews as they become available each week.
Click Here To Register for Meeting the Masters.
Here’s a short compilation video that will give you a taste of the Series.
Meagan says her One Day Soul Experience was “incredible”
We have been so incredibly happy with what’s happening with our One Day Soul Experiences, because our clients have been so happy with what’s been happening. Isn’t it amazing that in a One Day Experience, someone, like Meagan, can find a lost piece of themselves, gain understanding and then receive tools to continue to deepen? What a gift.
And then look at the results when you do a full on Soul Adventure. Michelle is from Florida and she did a Virtual Soul Adventure. And like I keep on saying, it’s just been so amazing how our Virtual Soul Adventures pack the same “punch” and people are getting the same amazing transformations:
So look at what happened here. Before, Michelle said she felt “completely out of balance.” I met her on Zoom before her Soul Adventure and I could see and feel it in her energy. I told her that I wanted very much to be able to connect with her after her Soul Adventure and oh my Goddess! What a transformation! Her face was radiant, her smile was so beautiful, her energy was just amazing. As she says, all this happened for her:
- My mind was “reprogrammed to self love and empowerment”
- I received a “clear vision of what I really deserve”
- I found my beautiful self
- I have a clear vision of my life path
- I have the tools I need to live my life purpose
I always say to people that even after 18 years and the thousands of people who have come to us, I’m still amazed by what happens. To go from completely out of balance and into self love and empowerment, receiving a clear vision of your life purpose and being given the tools to live out that purpose, I mean, that’s just astounding.
How about you? Where are you on your important issues?
- Loving yourself
- Feeling empowered
- Knowing your life purpose
- Living your life purpose
I’ll tell you, those are the critical issues for everyone. And most of us have blocks and gunk and stuck energy and soul contracts and stinkin’ thinkin and a host of other things (conscious and unconscious) that are holding us back. If that’s what’s going on with you, please do something about it. This is the only life you have!
Call us today or Click here and we’ll call you. One of our Angel Guides will connect with you (or both of you for a Couples Retreat) and we’ll go deep, to discover what’s holding you back from having the life or relationship of your dreams.
Remember there’s no cost or obligation and we’re even open on Sunday, because we’re here for you!
Wishing you a week filled with purpose!