My Favorite Spiritual Movies – “Groundhog Day”

September 26, 2019

Have you ever seen the movie “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray? It’s one of my favorite spiritual movies of all time. It has such incredible messages – watch my video:

Do you ever feel like Phil (the Bill Murray character) feels? Feeling stuck in your life and there’s nothing you can do about it?

There is something you can do about it.

Call us, let us help.

It’s all about moving out the gunk and the blocks that are holding you in disconnection and then moving you back into connection on all the levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The specific ways are different for each person. That’s why our custom-designed retreats are so powerful and effective.

Would you like to speak to an Angel Guide today? Or later this week? Call us – connect with one of our Angel Guides and let them design a retreat that can bring you back into Heaven on Earth.

Or if you’d prefer, call us toll-free at 1-877-204-3664 (US and Canada). For our friends outside the US and Canada, call 01 928-204-5988 or click here and one of our Retreat Guides will call you.

And remember, we even work on Sunday, we’re here for you.

If you knew what could happen you’d be contacting us right now.

Kelly says her Soul Adventure “surpassed all my expectations” and
was “worth every penny.”

“Sedona Soul Adventures surpassed all my expectations. The practitioners are deeply committed, knowledgeable, and caring. I felt like l had the best possible experts all working together to help me find and focus on my ‘true’ self. I have a tool box that I can use when faced with challenges and am better able to recognize triggers and instead of reacting, I’m able to reconnect with my inner voice and follow a path that is informed by love, instead of ego or fear. Worth every penny, and I plan to go back again for a refresher and/or to continue my development.”
~ Kelly R., Chicago, Illinois

In these series of videos I’m talking about concepts from my book, The Journey to Happy– How Embracing the Concept that Nothing is wrong can transform your life…with processes that can help you feel a lot happier right away. 

And most of the time when I’m doing these videos, I’m talking to you about very heavy issues – and today I want to do something a little bit different. 

I have a list of what I call, “My Favorite Spiritual Movies” and I’m going to be talking to you about them today and into the future for two reasons: 

  1. They have messages that are really amazing, wonderful and helpful.    
  2. Watching a movie can very often immediately make you feel better. 

One of the things that I talk about a lot in my book is that when you start to feel yourself beginning to slip and just starting to not feel great, do something – anything – to start making yourself feel better… like listening to music, petting your dog or your cat, or watching a movie that makes you laugh or simply feel good. 

So here’s one of these movies for me: “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray. Have you seen this movie? Your first reaction might be, “This is a spiritual movie?” Because it is very, very funny, very irreverent; it’s Bill Murray at his best. But yes, I want to assure you it’s definitely at the top of my list of the top 10 spiritual movies of all time.  

And you may not know the backstory of this – that it was written and directed by Harold Ramis, a Buddhist (he passed a few years ago), and this movie is all about consciousness. It’s all about how we perceive things and how everything can shift in an instant.

So if you’ve never seen it, watch it. And if you’ve never watched it from this perspective, definitely watch it again and you’ll see what I mean. 

In the movie, Phil, played by Bill Murray, is reliving the same day (Groundhog Day) over and over again. He plays a weatherman who is covering whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow. He is stuck in his own personal hell with himself – he’s selfish, egotistical, shallow and doesn’t care about anyone other than himself. 

Worse, he can’t get out of it and he can’t get away from himself. He even tells us that he hates himself. 

He’s completely stuck.  

And when he figures out what’s happening, that he’s reliving the same day over and over again, he goes through anger, frustration, manipulation, depression and even suicide (which doesn’t work) until something changes. He falls in love and begins to live his life from a completely different perspective; in that instant, his life changes.  

It’s such an incredible parable: 

When we start allowing what is, our life transforms. 

When we love with no expectation or demands, we get exactly what we want. 

We can transform from living in hell, to living in Heaven on Earth. It’s our choice and it just takes an instant. 

Do you sometimes feel like you’re living in a kind of hell? 

Do you feel like there’s nothing you can do about  it? 

Well, I’m here to tell you there is something you can do about it. Your life can be transformed if you’re willing to take responsibility for your life and your creations. The way you perceive the world and the way you move in the world can be changed in an instant. I see it all the time and it is truly miraculous. 

It’s all about moving out the gunk and the blocks that are holding you in disconnection and then moving you back into connection on all the levels:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Mmotional
  • Spiritual. 

The specific ways are different for each person. That’s why our custom-designed retreats are so powerful and effective. 

So call us – connect with one of our Angel Guides and let them design a retreat that can bring you back into Heaven on Earth.

I hope this helped, and if you got value from this video, please take the time to like it, share it with someone in your life who think might get something out of it, subscribe to our channel.

To get more information, go to and get your complimentary copy of The Sedona Guide to Couples Retreats today.

Or if you’d like to talk to someone about doing a retreat that’s custom designed for you call us at (928) 204-5988.

You can have the life  AND the relationship you want – I know it.

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